
Macbook pro m2 8gb vs 16gb

Are you contemplating the purchase of a new Macbook Pro, but find yourself torn between spending extra on built-in upgrades such as a larger SSD or more RAM? I have been in your shoes, scouring YouTube for insights on choices like 8GB of RAM vs. 16GB or 256GB of SSD vs. a terabyte. While many videos cover these topics, they often overlook a crucial factor in your decision-making process: swap memory usage. In this article, I’ll explain what swap memory usage is and why it’s essential to consider when buying a new Mac.

Understanding RAM and SSD

Before diving into swap memory usage, let’s clarify what RAM and SSD are. RAM, or random access memory, is your computer’s short-term memory. It’s fast and powerful but doesn’t retain information permanently. Think of it as a whiteboard in an online classroom. Information stays temporarily, but once erased, it’s gone forever.

On the other hand, SSD, or solid-state drive, serves as your computer’s long-term memory. It excels at retaining data but can become cluttered over time, similar to writing on a chalkboard. As you write and erase data on an SSD, it may slow down and lose storage capacity due to wear and tear.

Understanding Swap Memory Usage

Now, let’s explore swap memory usage. Imagine you’re in that online classroom again, working through a complex problem on the whiteboard. But, alas, you run out of space. To continue, you start writing on the chalkboard. This additional space allows you to work more, but everything on the chalkboard will eventually get erased to make room for the next problem.

Swap memory works similarly. When your Mac’s RAM is overloaded, swap memory comes into play. It utilizes the internal SSD to temporarily store data that should ideally reside in RAM if there is enough space. For most users, swap memory usage isn’t a significant concern during regular use. Even if you exceed it, it takes a substantial number of read and write cycles to noticeably affect your SSD.

However, if you engage in power-hungry tasks like extensive multitasking, all-day rendering, or 4K video editing, you might experience a slowdown and SSD damage. In such cases, upgrading from 8GB to 16GB of RAM becomes a sensible choice.


So, what’s my recommendation? If you’re among the 90% to 95% of users who won’t engage in heavy tasks like constant rendering or intense multitasking, stick with the base model MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of SSD storage. Save your money for other investments.

For the remaining 5% to 10% who anticipate heavier workloads or have the budget for it, consider upgrading to 16GB of RAM. However, I rarely suggest paying exorbitant rates for built-in SSD storage upgrades. Instead, opt for an external SSD like the Samsung T5 or Samsung T7, both offering one terabyte of storage for under a hundred dollars at the time of this article.

To put things in perspective, I used a base model MacBook Air for over a year in my full-stack development career without issues, even while running multiple apps and servers. It was only when I delved into 4K video editing that I encountered noticeable slowdowns and SSD damage. Even then, I chose to upgrade to an M1 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and external SSDs for additional storage.


In the world of Mac upgrades, understanding swap memory usage is crucial. While it may not be a concern for most users, those with demanding workloads should consider their RAM requirements carefully. Remember, it’s not always necessary to pay a premium for built-in SSD upgrades when cost-effective external solutions are readily available. Make an informed choice, and your new M2 Mac will serve you well, whether you’re a casual user or a power user tackling resource-intensive tasks.

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