
50 Guinness Book of Records You Can Break In Nigeria

Guinness Book of Records You Can Break
Guinness Book of Records You Can Break

Nigeria is a country of great diversity and talent. From its rich culture and history to its vibrant people, Nigeria has something to offer everyone. And if you’re looking for a challenge, there are plenty of Guinness Book of Records you can break right here in Nigeria.

In May 15 2023, Nigerian female cook, Hilda Bassey, broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest cooking marathon by an individual, clocking 100hrs new world record for longest time in cooking marathon. Her incredible feat serves as an inspiration to all Nigerians to aim for the stars.

In this article, we will explore 50 Guinness Book of Records that Nigerians can break.

Here are some tips for breaking a Guinness Book of Record:

  1. Do your research. Make sure you know the exact record you want to break and all of the rules and regulations associated with it.
  2. Get organized. Create a plan of action and make sure you have all of the necessary equipment and supplies.
  3. Train hard. Practice regularly and make sure you’re in top physical condition.
  4. Have a support team. Find people who will encourage and support you throughout your journey.
  5. Be patient. Breaking a Guinness Book of Record takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed right away.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to breaking a Guinness Book of Record. And who knows, you might even inspire others to do the same.

    50 Guinness Book of Records You Can Break

    1. Longest marathon dancing: Currently, the record stands at 123 hours. To break the record, assemble a team of dancers and dance continuously for 124 hours.
    2. Most people simultaneously hula hooping: Gather a group of people to hula hoop for at least one minute to break the record.
    3. Largest gathering of people wearing sunglasses at night: Organize an event where participants wear sunglasses at night, with at least 1,642 people to break the record.
    4. Longest marathon watching television: To break the record of 94 hours, gather a group of people to watch TV continuously for 95 hours.
    5. Most people in a simultaneous online video chat: Set up an online video chat with 2,064 people to break the record.
    6. Longest marathon playing a video game: To break the record of 138 hours, play a video game non-stop for at least 139 hours.
    7. Longest time spent juggling: To break the record of 121 hours, juggle for 122 hours non-stop.
    8. Most people wearing paper hats: Get a group of people to wear paper hats for at least one minute, with a minimum of 2,281 people to break the record.
    9. Longest marathon playing a board game: Play a board game non-stop for at least 168 hours to break the record.
    10. Largest gathering of people wearing superhero costumes: Gather at least 1,580 people to wear superhero costumes for at least one minute to break the record.
    11. Longest marathon playing a card game: To break the record of 168 hours, play a card game non-stop for at least 169 hours.
    12. Most people bouncing a basketball simultaneously: Gather a group of people to bounce a basketball simultaneously for at least one minute, with a minimum of 742 people to break the record.
    13. Longest time spent balancing a book on the head: To break the record of 3 hours and 37 minutes, balance a book on your head for at least 3 hours and 38 minutes.
    14. Longest marathon playing a musical instrument: Play a musical instrument non-stop for at least 114 hours to break the record.
    15. Most people making heart-shaped hand gestures: Get a group of people to make heart-shaped hand gestures for at least one minute, with a minimum of 6,189 people to break the record.
    16. Longest time spent balancing on one foot: To break the record of 76 hours and 40 minutes, balance on one foot for at least 76 hours and 41 minutes.
    17. Most people simultaneously blowing chewing gum bubbles: Gather a group of people to blow chewing gum bubbles simultaneously for at least one minute, with a minimum of 304 people to break the record.
    18. Longest time spent holding a plank position: To break the record of 8 hours, hold a plank position for at least 8 hours and 1 minute.
    19. Most people doing sit-ups simultaneously: Gather a group of people to do sit-ups simultaneously for at least one minute, with a minimum of 5,000 people to break the record.
    20. Longest time spent skipping rope: To break the record of 33 hours and 40 minutes, skip rope for at least 33 hours and 41 minutes.
    21. Largest gathering of people wearing animal masks: Gather at least 2,510 people wearing animal masks for at least one minute to break the record.
    22. Longest time spent meditating: To break the record of 75 hours, meditate for at least 76 hours non-stop.
    23. Most people performing the “Macarena” dance: Gather at least 119,986 people to perform the “Macarena” dance for at least one minute to break the record.
    24. Longest time spent solving a Rubik’s Cube: To break the record of 37.28 seconds, solve a Rubik’s cube non-stop for at least 37.29 seconds.
    25. Largest gathering of people making paper cranes: Gather at least 14,000 people to make paper cranes simultaneously to break the record.
    26. Longest time spent holding a yoga pose: To break the record of 8 hours, hold a yoga pose for at least 8 hours and 1 minute.
    27. Most people blowing a whistle simultaneously: Gather at least 4,201 people to blow a whistle simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    28. Longest time spent making a continuous line of dominoes: To break the record of 4.99 km, make a continuous line of dominoes for at least 5 km.
    29. Most people running a 5k: Gather at least 77,000 people to run a 5k race to break the record.
    30. Longest time spent hugging: To break the record of 32 hours and 32 minutes, hug continuously for at least 32 hours and 33 minutes.
    31. Most people simultaneously performing the “Thriller” dance: Gather at least 13,597 people to perform the “Thriller” dance for at least one minute to break the record.
    32. Longest time spent joggling (juggling while jogging): To break the record of 6 hours and 33 minutes, joggle for at least 6 hours and 34 minutes.
    33. Most people simultaneously wearing flip-flops: Gather at least 2,494 people to wear flip-flops simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    34. Longest time spent playing a game of chess: To break the record of 64 hours, play a game of chess non-stop for at least 65 hours.
    35. Most people simultaneously bouncing basketballs with one hand: Gather at least 2,136 people to bounce basketballs with one hand simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    36. Longest time spent playing a video game using only one hand: To break the record of 56 hours and 1 minute, play a video game using only one hand non-stop for at least 56 hours and 2 minutes.
    37. Most people simultaneously playing a game of hopscotch: Gather at least 2,292 people to play hopscotch simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    38. Longest time spent playing a game of checkers: To break the record of 60 hours and 42 minutes, play a game of checkers non-stop for at least 60 hours and 43 minutes.
    39. Most people simultaneously blowing soap bubbles: Gather at least 34,529 people to blow soap bubbles simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    40. Longest time spent playing a video game using only the tongue: To break the record of 50 hours and 1 minute, play a video game using only the tongue non-stop for at least 50 hours and 2 minutes.
    41. Most people simultaneously playing a game of leapfrog: Gather at least 2,388 people to play leapfrog simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    42. Longest time spent doing a headstand: To break the record of 4 hours and 27 minutes, do a headstand non-stop for at least 4 hours and 28 minutes.
    43. Most people simultaneously doing the limbo dance: Gather at least 1,017 people to do the limbo dance simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    44. Longest time spent playing a game of monopoly: To break the record of 70 days, play a game of monopoly non-stop for at least 71 days.
    45. Most people simultaneously doing the “Hokey Pokey” dance: Gather at least 7,600 people to do the “Hokey Pokey” dance simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    46. Longest time spent playing a game of bingo: To break the record of 100 hours, play a game of bingo non-stop for at least 101 hours.
    47. Most people simultaneously performing the “Electric Slide” dance: Gather at least 44,470 people to perform the “Electric Slide” dance for at least one minute to break the record.
    48. Longest time spent playing a game of poker: To break the record of 115 hours and 17 minutes, play a game of poker non-stop for at least 116 hours and 18 minutes.
    49. Most people simultaneously doing the “YMCA” dance: Gather at least 44,390 people to do the “YMCA” dance simultaneously for at least one minute to break the record.
    50. Longest time spent playing a game of scrabble: To break the record of 168 hours, play a game of scrabble non-stop for at least 169 hours.

    Breaking a Guinness World Record can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both personally and for your community. It’s a chance to showcase your talent, creativity, and hard work on a global stage. With so many Guinness World Records to choose from, there’s something for everyone.

    If you’re interested in breaking a Guinness World Record, start by researching the record you want to break.

    Make sure you understand the rules and requirements for the record, and gather a team of dedicated individuals to help you achieve your goal.

    Remember that breaking a Guinness World Record takes time, effort, and dedication, but the rewards can be immeasurable.

    You can inspire others, showcase your skills and talents, and make a difference in your community. With the right mindset and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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